Membership Agreement (You Must Scroll To The Bottom To Proceed)

Bio-Electric Quantum Health Coalition Inc.
(Private Membership Operating Agreement)

As part of joining our private non-profit group, please read and click agree at the bottom to acknowledge your acceptance and agreement with each statement.

Declaration of Purpose

The Bio-Electric Quantum Health Coalition Inc. is a private club non-profit 501 C(7) association with health and well-being educational intent, wherein association members recognize health truths and the right of the individual to choose, use, provide or acquire information, and learn about techniques, modalities, testing, protocols, food quality, gardening and farming methods, and vitamin, mineral, and nutritional supplementation for the actual or perceived well-being of the individual: A person has the right to learn and explore health concepts not approved through a traditional mainstream educational system.

The members of this coalition adhere to fundamental truths, as stated in the United States Declaration of Independence, that all people are created equal and that those elected to govern are limited in power and subservient to the will of the people. Members recognize that the enumeration of certain rights as may be espoused through their political documents shall not deny or disparage other rights retained as outlined in the 9th Amendment of the Constitution.

Coalition members recognize individually and collectively that they retain all rights of a free people to engage in all manners of discourse and trade and to form a voluntary private association of like-minded individuals to encourage the realization and enjoyment of their inalienable rights to life, liberty, and property – especially as these rights relate to concepts and practices of health and wellness.

Additionally, Coalition members hold and recognize that it is an educated population leading to an understanding to exercise rights of freedom, and best choose their own path for health, wellness and abundant living; and that as educated people they become informed to best defend their rights to such choices when infringed. It is to this noble purpose that this Coalition exists and engenders its volition.


General membership into the Bio-Electric Quantum Health Coalition is open to anyone invited or seeking understanding of the health truths and concepts taught within, and is required by individuals seeking care under Professional members offering services and teachings of the concepts and practices taught to coalition members. General membership entitles one to full privileges and benefits offered by the Coalition to general members, including ability to participate in educational retreats and to have access to the Health by the NumbersTM computer educational program. 

Privacy Agreement

Members who participate in Coalition activities through private sessions, educational retreats, workshops, events, or electronic media are likely privy to proprietary trade secret information held as contractual private property rights of the Bio-Electric Quantum Health Coalition, as well as potentially other member private information shared during educational retreats or online forums. Non-disclosure agreements may apply to such information, or other information whether in print or internet based, and disclosure of such information in any public forum to any individual working in a public capacity, or to any individual who is not a Coalition Member has the potential to harm the property or other rights of the Coalition or another Member wherein an injury to one is an injury to all. Confidentiality demands compliance and members agree to hold information obtained within the framework of the Coalition as confidential for it is rarely fortuitous when private matters become public concerns. At all times privacy must be protected; and it starts with every individual Coalition Member honoring confidentiality.  Any actions not consistent with this Coalition confidentiality privacy agreement, will serve as grounds for dismissal from the Coalition and an exclusion from any Coalition based information and activities.

Member Consent

As a Bio-Electric Quantum Health Coalition Member, you give consent to the Coalition to use any health or other data about yourself (minus any personally identifying information) in its research projects, for development of statistical data, for improving and updating lifestyle programs, and for any and all other ways deemed prudent by the Board of Directors of the Coalition to use for the development of its philanthropic, humanitarian, scientific, and environmental impact endeavors that work towards a goal to positively impact health of the world through education and understanding.

Membership Offer

I, as a free and natural human being, offer myself as a Member of the Bio-Electric Quantum Health Coalition Inc, a private association. I acknowledge and agree with the Coalition’s Declaration of Purpose and terms of its Privacy Agreement as herein noted as part of the Coalition’s Private Membership Operating Agreement serving all the Coalition members; and I agree as a General member annual payment dues of Fifteen United States Dollars (US $15), which upon acceptance entitles me to all the rights and privileges of General Membership in the Coalition.  I understand that membership dues are subject to change, and I can cancel my membership and membership fees at any time and forfeit the privileges contained within this agreement with a written notification within 10 days of renewal date, otherwise membership fees are forfeited with written notification of cancelation after 10 days.